We inform you that our supplies are governed by the following GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS which are intended to supplement those indicated at the bottom of the invoices.


All orders are accepted by DPC SPA and sales are made exclusively in accordance with these general conditions, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing between DPC SPA and the buyer.


Before putting the goods received into production, the buyer must check under his own responsibility that it corresponds to the one ordered and that it complies with the Sales Specifications.


The date agreed for delivery is intended as indicative.
DPC SPA is not responsible for any causes of force majeure, such as strikes, interruptions of transport services or supply difficulties, which may prevent or delay the delivery of the products.


Any complaints must be communicated in writing within 8 (eight) working days of delivery, under penalty of forfeiture of the complaint itself.
Any shortages will be taken into consideration only if indicated on the Transport Document, countersigned by the carrier and accompanied by the weighing rib if it is a bulk product. These will only be recognized in excess of 0.5% of the total weight of the load, as per the regulations of the Milan Chamber of Commerce (Provincial Collection of Uses).

In the event that the product exhibits quality anomalies, the buyer must keep it in its packaging and take the necessary measures to allow the DPC SPA the appropriate checks and controls in adversarial terms.
If the complaints promptly made are justified, DPC SPA is obliged only to replace the defective goods (or part thereof) at its own expense or to refund the price if it is unable to replace it promptly.

In no case DPC SPA is responsible for guarantees, indemnities and responsibilities other than those provided herein that are not imperatively provided by law, in particular for direct, indirect or loss of earnings.


The DPC SPA for its policy to protect the quality of the goods, prefers sales with “packaging included” or for transferring from its containers into customer’s tanks or containers.
The loan for use (free or onerous) of the packaging is not part of the usual sales methods. Where it is granted, it must be authorized by DPC SPA, at its discretion, it will be able to provide customers with containers on loan for use, the conditions of use and methods of which must be agreed in advance.

In the event of interruption of supplies dependent on any reason, it will be the customer’s responsibility to return all containers that may be in his possession within ten days at his own expense.


The seller may withdraw from the contract without any charge if facts or circumstances occur which alter the stability of the markets, the value of the currency, the conditions of the industries producing the products and raw materials and the conditions of supply.


The payment methods and terms are those agreed and reported on the Order Confirmation and on the Invoice.
Unacceptable discounts or rounding are not allowed. Late payment, even partial, will result in the application of default interest, determined in accordance with the law.


The waiting time for unloading the products tolerated by the Seller is 2 hours. If the Seller’s vehicle must wait for unloading longer than the set time, the Buyer will be charged the amount of € 50 / hour + VAT for each hour or fraction of an additional waiting hour.


The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any dispute is the Court of Busto Arsizio, without prejudice to the right of DPC SPA to appeal, alternatively, to the court of the buyer.